Student Scientific Spring: The Evolution of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
Written by Chair-L-3On Friday, April 26, at the Department of L3, the conference "Student Scientific Spring" was held. It was dedicated to the Evolution of Mechanical Engineering Technologies.
All-Russian Student Olympiad in English for Technical Universities. Results.
Written by Chair-L-3From March 26 to March 28 BMSTU held the All-Russian Student Foreign Language Olympiad (English in technical universities).
51 students from 18 universities of the Russian Federation took part in the Olympiad.
Its theme was 3D technology.
The Olympiad had 2 rounds.
BMSTU team consisted of three students: David Oganesyan (IU8-21),
Pak Don Sik (L4-42B), Dmitry Melnikov (RK5-42B).
It took 3rd place in the team competition and 2nd place in the competition of the popular science lecture,
which was organized as a competition of options for solving global problems using 3D-technology.
Student Scientific Spring 2019
Dear students and teachers of L3 department!
Conference "Student Scientific Spring" on the topic:
"The Evolution of Mechanical Technologies"
will be held on April 26 at 1:50 pm in room 212L.
We invite everyone to participate or become the guests of the conference.
All-Russian Student Olympiad in English for Technical Universities
Attention to the students of technical universities!
26 - 28 March 2019 BMSTU welcomes you to
All-Russian Student Olympiad
in English for technical universities. We invite the teams!
The theme of the Olympiad is 3D Technology.
Everyone can do the Olympiad tasks of previous years.
On April 13, 2018 L-3 Chair held an annual conference among graduate students
on the topic "Prospects of Mechanical Engineering". 8 master students took part in
the conference presenting their interesting reports on the topics of their master's theses.
The conference was opened by a presenter, Alexey Perstnev, a student of the E10-62 group.
He introduced the topics of the forthcoming reports. After each report the speakers were asked the questions.
The students responded quickly and thoroughly.
The head of the L-3 department, Galina Grigoryevna Gurova, summed up the results of the conference and noted the most liked reports.
She also wished the master students success in their further research and noted the important role of English in the scientific world.
Bauman Linguistics L2 Department
Welcome to
Thursday, April 26, 10:00 – 13.30
Venue: Conference Hall (Rm 310л)
Thanks to all active participants and attendees.
Came second in the International on-line Olympiad in English
Arsenii Kisarev, our MT-7 postgraduate student, came second in the International on-line Olympiad in English as a foreign language for under- and postgraduate engineering students which was held at the Tomsk Polytechnic University.
The sci-tech conference for the master's degree students of our engineering departments
took place April 7, 2017.
There were 7 participants giving presentations on their current research projects:
Anufrieva Ekaterina RK-9
Voronina Polina RK-6
Gorodetskii Mikhail SM-13
Zaitseva Anna E-9
Kozar Anastasiia RK-6
Lutsenko Anna RK-6
Sergeev Stepan E-4
We'd like to thank the participants for their fascinating reports.
Samara Olympiad
Congratulations to the BMSTU team for coming third in the team ratings of the Samara English Olympiad for engineering students!
The team are:
Taras Malishchuk (3rd year SM student)
Ekaterina Poluektova (3rd year IU student)
Stanislav Ivanov (1st year L4 student)
Congratulations to Ekaterina Poluektova for coming second in the individual ratings!
Section of the conference "Student Scientific Spring"
Dear staff of L3 department and students of the SM, E, MT, and RK faculties,
A section of the 'Student Science Spring' conference, commemorating 170 years since the birth of N.E. Zhukovsky,
will be held at our department on April 14, 2017 at 12:00 in room 212L.
The sci-tech conference for master students held by the L-3 (English Language)
Department will be held April 7 at 12:00 in room 403L.